Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Getting at Obama's State of the Union Speech

President Obama begins his speech by addressing the progess that our country has made through out the past couple of years.  For example, progress in the housing market along with the progress in our economy.  Although our economy isnt at its best now, as opposed to how it was a couple of years ago it has made changes.  President Obama emphasizes on progess to make our country a better place as well as congress agreeing to make these changes.  Obama recognizes the agreeements made for the country's budget.  However other proposals, reforms and acts can be debatable.  With out congress's approval on most actions that certain entity cant happen.  Thus, slowing down progession.  As the president he makes it clear that he will do what he can even with out congress's approval.  Such as the Affordable Care Act that most republicans didnt really agree with. Through out the speech he addresses many problems that he hopes to "reverse" such as unemployment.  In hopes to create more jobs which will better the economy as well as his proposal to raise minimun wage.  Raising minumum wage will not only stimulate the economy, but increase productivity.  In addition to more affordable education and the right every person has to a higher education. When he was talking about immigration reform I noticed that not everyone in the chamber stood up and clapped. Noticing live that President Obama isnt liked by all of congress and republicans may have other opinions to issues and how Obama wants to fix them. Also noticed veterans in the chamber along with the supreme court, congress, speaker of the house, and ordinary citizens Obama used as examples for other socioeconomic backgrounds making it relateable to everyone in America.  I liked how he adressed for equality in women and how it is emabrassing that there is still a difference, in this case woman pay in 2014...In addition to him adressing our troops being out of Iraq and closing Guantanamo Bay but importantly stating that a war isnt necassary unless it really is.. I feel like he addressed many issues in the hour of his speech.
